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The KMIP Bug Report: Db2 KMIP Client

By Mark Joseph - May 19, 2018 @ 12:20 pm

Recently a customer using the P6R’s KMIP Server Protocol Library (KSL) sent us a KMIP message that our parser pointed out as not valid KMIP. This customer was performing integration testing between their KMIP server and IBM’s Db2 Database (version 11.1 running on windows) (https://www.ibm.com/analytics/us/en/db2/). Db2 has some KMIP Client code so that it can obtain keys for database encryption from an outside KMIP server. This is what KMIP was designed for. We have no idea of the origin of the KMIP client code but assume that it was written internally.

[1] Incorrect Text String encoding

The KMIP message that was of issue was trying to execute a KMIP Activate operation and is encoded in TTLV (a binary format) KMIP 1.0 protocol version. The offending KMIP message is as follows:


The broken part of this message comes at the very end in the following bytes encoded in TTLV (which stands for Tag Type Length Value):

420094 07 00000018 41574d6b736570694a54625a49736f5f30586f7200000000

The first part “420094″ is the Tag which indicates that the data following is a unique identifier. The second part “07″ indicates the Type is a text string. The third part “00000018″ is the Length of the following data which is 24. The fourth part “41574d6b736570694a54625a49736f5f30586f7200000000″ is the Value and is the unique identifier of a key on the KMIP server to activate.

The problem is with the length part. It is set to 24 but should be set to 20 bytes. Text strings in KMIP are padded with zeros to make their length a multiple of 8 so the last 4 bytes are all padded zeros. But this padding must not be included in the length of the text string value. In the above message the Db2 KMIP client did include the padding as part of the text string length and that is incorrect.

Since the above message uses KMIP protocol version 1.0 we are going to reference the KMIP 1.0 specification document (http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.0/os/kmip-spec-1.0-os.html). From this specification, Section Item Length,

     "...If the Item Type is Integer, Enumeration, Text String, Byte String, or Interval, then 
     the Item Length is the number of bytes excluding the padding bytes. Text Strings and Byte 
     Strings SHALL be padded with the minimal number of bytes following the Item Value to obtain 
     a multiple of eight bytes." (emphasis added)

[2] An Extension Credential Type with an Incorrect Byte String Encoding

While not an error this message does use an interesting encoding for the message credential.

420024 05 00000004 8000000100000000 
  420025 08 00000018 540001010000001054000407000000034442320000000000

The “420024″ Tag indicates “Credential Type”, the “05″ Type is enumeration, the “00000004″ is the length of the enumeration, and finally the
“8000000100000000″ is a Db2 defined KMIP extension type. Now KMIP does provide several ways to extend the protocol but now our customer has to find out the Db2 proprietary definition and implement that.

The next part is the Credential Value itself and is encoded as a Byte String. Interesting the length value of the Byte String value also looks wrong as the apparent padding is again included in the defined length.

Full featured KMIP clients are not easy to implement and that is why P6R has spent years developing and testing with every commercially available KMIP server it can find. P6R’s Secure KMIP Client (SKC) is a commercial product that has been shipping for over 5 years.

"The KMIP Bug Report: Db2 KMIP Client" was published on May 19th, 2018 and is listed in Server Design.

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